22-23 Regional Club League
Venue: Starfire Sports Complex

Venue Information
Venue: Starfire Sports Complex
Address: 14800 Starfire Way
Tukwila, WA  98188-8502
View Map: Google Map
Web Site: http://www.starfiresports.com
Directions: Interurban Ave S & Fort Dent Way, Tukwila

I-405 Northbound:
Take the WA-181 S/West Valley Hwy. exit number 1 - toward Tukwila. Turn LEFT onto West Valley Hwy/Interurban Ave S/WA 181 N Continue to follow Interurban Ave S Turn RIGHT on to Fort Dent Way Go over bridge and enter park.

I-405 Southbound: Take the WA-181 S/West Valley Hwy. exit number 1 - toward Tukwila. At end of exit ramp go STRAIGHT on to Fort Dent Way for 1 block. Turn LEFT, go over bridge and enter park.

I-5 Northbound: Exit 154 (Renton - Hwy 405 N) I-5 Southbound: Exit 154A (Renton - Hwy 405 N) Follow directions for I-405 above.

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
10 Starfire Turf OPEN --
1A RCL Jr 1A Synthetic Turf OPEN --
1B RCL Jr 1B Synthetic Turf OPEN --
2A RCL Jr 2A Synthetic Turf OPEN Schedule
2B RCL Jr 2B Synthetic Turf OPEN Schedule
2C RCL Jr 2C Synthetic Turf OPEN --
2D RCL Jr 2D Synthetic Turf OPEN --
3A RCL Jr 3A Synthetic Turf OPEN Schedule
3B RCL Jr 3B Synthetic Turf OPEN Schedule
3C RCL Jr 3C Synthetic Turf OPEN --
3D RCL Jr 3D Synthetic Turf OPEN --
4A RCL 7v7 Turf OPEN --
4B RCL 7v7 Turf OPEN --