2016-17 Washington Youth Soccer Founders Cup
Venue: Albert Haller Playfields

Venue Information
Venue: Albert Haller Playfields
Address: North Rhodefer Road
Sequim, WA  98382
View Map: Google Map
Web Site: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=North+Rhodefer+Road,+Sequim,+WA&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=39.371738,86.572266&oq=north+rhodefer&hnear=N+Rhodefer+Rd,+Sequim,+Clallam,+Washington+98382&t=m&z=15
Directions: To get to the fields, go North on Rhodefer about 1/3 mile and look for the entrance to the playfields parking lot on your left. Here is the site from our local tournament last year, which will give you more location and local info: http://www.dungenesscup.com/home.php?layout=1035.

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
1 Field 1 Grass OPEN Schedule
2 Field 2 Grass OPEN --