Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Spring South Sound United League tournament for the age group.
Girls U12 South 5 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Norpoint Soccer Club
Norpoint Cheetahs G'12
n/a   Ashley Cook
 A2 PacNW
PacFW-R G12 Singh (Madrid Jr.)
n/a   Ravinder Singh
 A3 Nortac Soccer Club
n/a   Megan Stone
 A4 Nortac Soccer Club
NORTAC Ruiz G12 Firebirds
n/a   Michael Ruiz
 A5 PacNW
PacFW-R G12/G13 Neira (Dragons)
n/a   Michael Neira